Daily Tips To Prevent Cavities

Cavities, also called tooth decay, can affect not only the enamel of the teeth but also the dentin. Dentin is the inner layer of the tooth while enamel is the outer layer. This decay occurs when carbohydrates are left in the mouth and turn into acids. This combines with other bacteria in the mouth to create plaque which clings to teeth. There are harmful acids in this plaque that begin this decay of the enamel. 

Signs of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can be pretty noticeable when eating sweets or eating hot/cold foods. If your teeth start to become more sensitive to the temperature of foods or drinks or feel pain when eating sweets it’s likely a cavity has developed. 

Cavities are more likely to develop in children due to poor dental habits but starting children on a regular dental routine can help prevent this. This will help create a habit that can continue as they grow older.

Are you wondering how to prevent cavities at home? Check out these daily tips to help protect your teeth from damaging bacteria.


  • Maintain a Daily Dental Routine

A daily dental routine should contain brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. This is the most important and most effective way to fight against tooth decay and bacteria. Flossing will be able to reach the places that brushing had missed to ensure all dental surfaces are cleaned. Make sure to brush for the full two minutes as well!

  • Add a Mouthwash to Your Routine

If you feel that your daily dental routine isn’t quite doing the job, try adding a fluoride mouthwash. Mouthwash is able to get the areas that may have been missed while brushing and flossing. Make sure to look for the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Seal of Acceptance on your mouthwash, which confirms its safety and efficacy. 

Remember that mouthwash does not replace your daily dental routine. Mouthwash should be used after brushing and flossing so the food and plaque is removed. Just swishing around mouthwash doesn’t allow for plaque build-up to be broken down and brushed away.

  • Switch Out Sugar Filled Gum

Many people chew gum to combat bad breath or other reasons but a lot of gum contains sugar. This sugar can form with other bacteria to create plaque which damages your teeth. There are many sugar-free gums available and are less damaging to your dental health. Sugar-free gum is the only kind of gum that will have the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Seal of Acceptance.

  • Eat More Fruit And Vegetables

A nutritious diet can greatly benefit your dental health in addition, eating fibrous fruits and veggies can help keep the teeth and gums clean. Try your best to avoid food and drinks that are high in sugar or contain a lot of carbohydrates. Try brushing your teeth after eating starchy food!


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